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Trusted Advisors in Process Control Since 1985

Control Loop Performance Monitoring

INTUNE+ Software

Combine process control monitoring with powerful diagnostic and tuning ​capabilities ​for non-intrusive plant management and maintenance​ ​and improve your facility's operational intelligence.​

INTUNE+ CLPM software includes over 80 standard process measures with real-time analysis and condition-based assessment. ​INTUNE+ performance indices ​let you to start and stop calculations based on shifts or batches, reset error calculations based on operator mode changes, or trigger entire sets of calculations based on alarm states – all in real time. ​

  • ​Increase plant productivity
  • ​Reduce energy consumption
  • ​Improve consistency of product quality with less waste
  • ​Identify performance issues before they lead to costly downtime​
  • ​Support continuous improvements, such as with Six Sigma

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As a process control engineer in a highly regulated industry, maintaining tight control of the process is critical to meet the high-quality demands of my company. ​For the more complicated process control issues outside of my area of comfort and expertise, I rely heavily on ControlSoft's services to help deliver the tight control expected - ControlSoft has always delivered results that went above and beyond expectations.

R & D Engineer, 

Food & Beverage Industry

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